Esun-Mania Cool White PLA Plus Review

Esun Cool White Empty Roll
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It's about time I did a full review on Esun's Cool White PLA Plus!

I mean it is only the number one choice for creating high quality Lithophanes, but is it good for anything else, and what temperatures should you print with it?

Those questions and more answered right here!

​Quick Overview Of Features

​Overall Value


Ease Of Printing


​Overall Value

I tend to think of "Overall Value" in terms of 3d printer filament as "Would I buy this again?" When it comes to Esun's Cool White PLA Plus!, I would definitely buy this again especially, when 3d printing Lithophanes.

Aside from Lithophanes, the PLA Plus, I feel is stronger than standard PLA and the layers seem to bond really well at a wide range of temperatures.

The only negative I have with this filament is that for some reason the Cool White color, tends to not stick to the build surface and warp your 3d print. We will get into that issue later on.


The pricing point for Esun's Cool White PLA Plus is pretty average and competitive with other brands.

​Ease Of Printing

I found Esun's Cool White PLA Plus a bit more difficult to print with even when comparing it to other Esun colors.

The main issue I had was that the corners of my 3d prints wanted to peal up and ultimately warp the print.

Granted you might be saying that this is not Esun's fault, which I can understand. However, comparing the Cool White to other Esun PLA Plus Colors. The Cool White is the ONLY ONE that had this issue.

The reason this issue is affecting the score is because I expected the same quality of filament from a manufacturers across their brands and colors. If I switch colors midway through the print, I don't want it to negatively effect the end result.

I want to to know that Esun's Cool White is the same as their black PLA Plus and that just has not been the case.

If you want some tips on how to prevent warping and how to get that first layer of your 3d print absolutely perfect, then check out my other article found here.


Color, Color, Color, this is the number 1 reason to go with Esun's Cool White PLA Plus

Esun's Cool White PLA Plus has a unique bluesh hue that really makes your lithophanes stand out. I would compare it to an "Arctic White" color, where it looks white, but when you really examine it closely you can see a faint blue hue.

​​First 3D Print - Temperature Tower

Enough talk lets get to printing.

The first thing, as with all new filaments is to print a temperature tower like this one found here on Thingiverse. I like this temperature tower because it comes with a script that you simply put in at the start of the gcode and adjusts the temperature as it is printed.

Surprisingly, Esun's Cool White PLA Plus printed very well throughout the entire print range, starting at 225c and ending at 195c. Since Esun's lowest temperature recommendation was 205. I really didn't see a reason to print at a lower temperature.

​Temperature Tower Evaluation

​So what did I learn from the temperature tower? As you can from the pictures, the higher the temperature the more stringing occurred, from bottom to top.

The main difference that I did notice, was that the stringing started to get worse once the temperature got above 210c.

This wasn't a HUGE issue, the strings were extremely fine in nature and are easily removed with a Heat Gun.

I really couldn't tell a noticeable difference in layer adhesion or bridging. Each section of the tower seemed to be pretty consistent.

Esun Cool White Temperature Tower

3D Print Settings

Here are the print settings I used for this test:

  1. external_perimeter_speed = 55
  2. first_layer_bed_temperature = 65
  3. first_layer_speed = 20
  4. print_temperature = 205
  5. bridge_fan_speed = 100
  6. min_fan_speed = 100
  7. max_fan_speed = 100

Esun Cool White Sample Lithophanes

Final Thoughts

 Esun's Cool White PLA Plus is a great filament. Strong, dependable, and has a great color that you can not find in other filaments. That is why it will will remain my number one filament for 3d printing Lithophanes.

Hey since I have it around I might as well use it on other projects too. I hope you learned something by reading this review, if you have something you would like to see or know more about feel free to leave a comment.

​As always, if you liked this post, please share on social media and feel free to comment down below. Thank you for reading!